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Who’s in the pocket of big business and special interest groups?

October 19, 2010


VIDEO this tool is now warning about Republican fearmongering in virtually the same breath as he’s doing his heavy-breathing routine about shadowy money flowing in from conservative PACs. I wonder if the hypocrisy of that is something he’s aware of and happy to wallow in or if his own messianic ego blinds him to it. […]

Obama leaves “by their Creator” out of Declaration of Independence quote.

September 20, 2010


If a President wants to quote from the Declaration of Independence in order to make a point about diversity and liberty, it’s probably a good idea to write the actual language from the Declaration into the speech.  After all, most people have fairly ready access to the text, and if the President leaves something out, […]

Hypocrisy of the day

September 7, 2010


When the latest jobless report came out on Friday, Barack Obama decided he had to talk about it right away — especially since he’s been on vacation for the previous several weeks and hadn’t addressed the faltering economy for most of the summer. Jake Tapper noticed that Obama avoided talking about the actual jobless figure, […]

VIDEO: Democrats now taking credit for something they opposed.

August 29, 2010


John Boehner put together this video to remind people what Obama and his fellow Democrats said about the surge that led to the victory at the time George Bush ordered it, and how much (or little) they contributed to the victory that Obama will celebrate:

Hypocrisy of the day

August 27, 2010


“… the Iraq War has left us less safe than we were before 9/11. ”  – Barack Obama  September 12, 2007 “Thank you, to all the men and women who have served in Iraq, and are currently serving in Iraq.  Your dedication, your bravery, your courage, has made America safer and has helped to stand up democracy […]

Highlite in Hypocrisy

August 18, 2010


Of course! What better way to defend the First Amendment freedom of religion than to have the Speaker of the House ask the federal government investigate those exercising their First Amendment right to free speech? Nancy Pelosi just guaranteed at least two new news cycles for a story, tossing even more gasoline on the fire […]

When your polls look bad just frighten old people about Social Security

August 18, 2010


Barack Obama, faced with a massive defeat at the polls in the midterms, has decided to return to a hoary technique used by Democrats for decades — frightening senior citizens. Republicans, warned Obama in his weekly radio address, want to privatize Social Security! (Heaven forfend!) Seniors need to keep trusting Congress to, ahem, handle their […]

Here’s Pelosi’s “most ethical Congress ever” for you

July 29, 2010


The House ethics committee announced 13 charges Thursday against Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), who is accused of breaking House rules as well as federal statutes. Keep up to date on his status right here. Now Rangel is crying that his Constitutional rights have been violated by those holding him accountable.

Selective Transparency for this Administration

July 29, 2010


Barack Obama and the Democrats don’t want people to see how the SEC does its work, and that should worry everyone who has watched the SEC blow its regulatory responsibilities over the last few years.  This is an agency that needs more oversight, not less, especially with its increased power and authority. Under a little-noticed […]

What Do I Find Interesting Today?

July 13, 2010


Our economy; No country has ever taxed their way out of debt or taxed their way into prosperity. We cannot possibly get ourselves out of this flood of debt.  The only thing we can do is convince foreign investors that we are serious about doing so.  And the only way to convince them is by […]